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Causes of Foot Odor

[Husband only has smelly feet? 🦠】

First of all, you need to know the cause of foot odor. In fact, foot odor is caused by sweat containing salt, lactic acid, and urea. Under humid and airtight conditions, bacteria and mold on the surface of the feet will multiply and decompose into keratin. Coupled with the urea and lactic acid in the sweat, it will emit a deadly smell. 🤢

Causes of Foot Odor
And if you want to solve foot odor, you can try the following methods 👨🏻‍⚕️
Method 1: Clean your feet carefully when you take a bath every day, which will help reduce the growth of bacteria. Method 2: Add white vinegar and soak in hot water for 15 minutes. Method 3: Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in chlorophyll, less ribs Foot odor Method 4: The cotton content of socks should be high, which can absorb more foot sweat Method 5: Usually prepare several pairs of shoes and replace them in turn
Foot odor solutionFoot odor solution
If you think that several methods are very troublesome🤮
Lazy talk! You can try using shoe spray spray, a stick that effectively eliminates bacteria and deodorizes, dries quickly and doesn't need to be washed with water, so you can say bye bye to your husband's foot odor!
Available in Japantown/Abutai/Qianse store!
Foot odor solution
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