雀巢Nestle ThickenUp快凝寶® Instant Puree 即食營養糊餐 (1000g)

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Material: 法式至尊雞


雀巢快凝寶® 即食營養糊餐 (1000克)

•    快凝寶® 即食營養糊餐 口感軟滑, 適合吞嚥及咀嚼困難人士食用

•    營養豐富, 含多種維他命及礦物質

•    方便快捷, 加入熱水拌勻即可用餐

•    多款開胃滋味以供選擇: 法式至尊雞 , 匈牙利燴牛肉 ,鱈魚雜菜

•    法國製造



Nestle ThickenUp® Instant Puree  (1000g)

•    ThickenUp® Instant Puree is a nutritious concentrated spoon meal suitable for adults with swallowing and chewing difficulties.

•    Contains multiple vitamins and minerals.

•    Simply mix with hot water to prepare a smooth and delicious meal.

•    more varieties: Chicken Supreme ,Goulash ,Cod Vegetable

•    Made in France


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