包裝: 1包 / 1箱 (12包)
- 尿濕顥示
- 可讓腰貼多次黏貼,調整至最舒適的穿著位置
- 漏斗型不織布網面加強水份迅速吸收,減低尿疹形成
- 優質高水份凝聚份子,能迅速鎖緊大量水份
- 柔軟吸收層,幫助水份均勻散佈,提高吸水能力
- 加大臀部吸水層,防止水份於平臥姿勢滲漏
- 彈性脾位防漏邊,防止水份於脾位滲出
Packing: 1 Pack / 1 Box (12 packs)
- Pattern fades out when the diaper become wet
- Enable multiple times of application and adjustment to the most comfortable fitting
- Funnel-channel Non-woven Top Sheet can protect fluid from flowing backward
- High quality absorbent molecules lock high volume of fluid
- Absorbent Fluff Layer
- Wider Buttock Pad Design
- Elastic Leg Guard, prevent leakage at the crotch area