包裝:1片/ 1盒(15片)
尺寸:10.8厘米x 10.8厘米
- 含有納米銀, 適合已受感染傷口及高危受感染的傷口能有效對付抗藥性金黃葡萄球菌,綠濃桿菌、大腸桿菌等。
- 納米銀成份不會滲入傷口及皮膚,可安全使用。
- 此敷料能將細菌連滲液鎖緊,並在合成物中消除細菌,減輕病人的生理負擔(bioburden)。
- 一般1-3天更換一次 視乎滲液量
- 用於感染傷口
- 有效去除壞死組織
- 具有自動清潔功能,無須以人手清洗傷口
- 內含甘油成份,更換時不會黏傷口
- 形成收復因子及細胞更生
- 獨具鎮痛、消腫及去瘀功能
- 減低肉芽過度生長、有效阻隔細菌入侵
- 吸收滲液同時鎖水,滋潤傷口,加速癒合
- 適合: 壓瘡, 燒傷, 手術傷口, 急性創傷, 糖尿病所引致的潰瘍, 靜脈曲張所引致的潰瘍, 足部潰瘍, 皮膚損傷
- 用於滲液較少或沒有滲液排放的傷口時,應先用少許生理鹽水濕潤敷料用以激活敷料成份
- 因應傷口大小,可剪裁使用。如有需要,可用醫生膠布或防水透氣膠布封邊或覆蓋
Packing: 1 pc / 1 Box (15 pcs)
Size: 10.8 cm x 10.8 cm
- Made of moisture-loving polyurethane matrix that contains (1) safe wound cleanser, (2) glycerin moisturizer, and (3) superabsorbents.
- Dressings have a thin polyurethane backing which breathes and helps keep out contamination
- Effectively manage and heal wounds
- Absorb fluid and provide a moist healing environment
- Minimize and relieve persistent and procedural wound pain
- Reduce edema, bruising, and the spread of inflammation into surrounding undamaged tissue
- Recommended when a wound displays delayed healing, signs of infection, or increased bioburden; or the patient has infection risk factors (such as contaminated wound, poor nutrition, diabetes, history of infection, etc.)