包裝: 50毫升/100毫升
- Zoono 專為女士嬌柔部位的衛生護理滅菌去異味而設的Zoono 女士抗菌護理液,以ZOONO® 專有環保無毒長效滅菌抗菌因子配製而成,能滅除99.99%附於各嬌柔部位的不同種類細菌、病毒、真菌和異味,更可保持24小時有效,期間多次滌洗也不減其效能。
- Zoono 女士抗菌護理液環保、無毒、符合《食品安全》標準,而且無色無味,不會染污或使衣物或名貴褻衣脫色變色。
Capacity: 50ml /100ml
- Zoono has recently released Zoono Femme Hygiene - a non-alcohol formulation that eliminates 99.99% of bacteria, yeast and fungal infections, viruses and odour.
- This product also incorporates the proven, unique Zoono antimicrobial technology.
- Zoono Femme Hygiene is the ultimate personal product and provides maximum protection for up to 24 hours.
- The proven Zoono technology is non-toxic, food safe and environmentally friendly. It is clear, will not stain, discolour or harm clothing - including delicate, personal attire.