Capacity: 50ml
- Zoono Odour Fresh is a single application formulation - based on the proven, Zoono antimicrobial technology.
- Zoono Odour Fresh Unlike traditional deodorising products, Zoono deodorant contains no aluminium (or other metals) designed to block skin pores - instead, the efficacy of the Zoono product is based on the same Zoono technology that kills odour causing bacteria.
- Tested on NZ University Campus in 2012, Zoono Odour Fresh has proven to be highly effective and popular with both men and women - it does not contain any harmful ingredients and is based on the same, food safe Zoono technology that is used within many global industries today.
- Zoono Odour Fresh will not stain the skin nor will it discolour clothing. It kills odour causing bacteria for up to 48 hours!!
- It remains on the skin until the skin naturally exfoliates. It can even be applied direct to clothing!
包裝: 50毫升
- Zoono 體味清新液以Zoono劃時代生物科技製成的環保無毒長效滅菌抗菌配方提煉而成,一次使用已能夠除去由細菌引致的汗味和體臭等異味,此外更可抗滅99.99%黏附於表皮的細菌,而且還可維持長效。
- Zoono Odour Fresh跟市面上一般傳統的止汗除臭劑完全不同,Zoono 體味清新液完全不含鋁或其他金屬﹝一般傳統的止汗除臭劑均透過以金屬阻塞毛孔來收短暫止汗之效﹞,它是以Zoono的環保無毒長效滅菌抗菌專有配方調製,可以抗滅引致臭味的細菌,從而達到除臭的效果。
- Zoono在2012年曾在紐西蘭的大學校園進行實驗,證明效用顯著,絕無過敏反應,安全可靠,深受各男女使用者歡迎。現在已被各行業不同機構廣泛使用。
- Zoono體味清新液並不會令皮膚或者衣物等變色,而且一次使用便能夠於48小時內持續滅菌抗菌,連續除臭,期間可經歷多次抹洗而不減效力,直至表皮因為新陳代謝而自然脫落為止。