Zoono Tex 洗衣伴侶



Capacity: 150ml (Can be diluted 100 times)

Zoono Tex is a highly effective laundry additive used to deliver an effective antimicrobial treatment via a regular, household washing machine.

It is simply added to the rinse cycle in lieu of fabric softener.

Zoono Tex protects for up to 100 washes and is highly effective against H1N1 and all hospital superbugs.

...all with just a single application!

Zoono Tex is based on the proven Zoono antimicrobial technology.

It is safe to use, odourless and will not stain or discolour clothing.

包裝: 150毫升 (可稀釋100倍使用)

  • Zoono 洗衣伴侶適合日常以家用洗衣機濯洗衣物時添加進洗衣程序中,代替衣物柔順劑,為衣物作長效滅菌抗菌處理。
  • 一次使用,經100次濯洗依然可維持其滅菌抗菌功效不減。Zoono 洗衣伴侶由Zoono環保無毒長效滅菌抗菌有機因子配製而成,經驗證能有效抗滅包括H1N1豬流感,以至醫院惡菌等的超級惡菌。
  • Zoono 洗衣伴侶無色無味,方便易用,環保安全,不會染污衣物或令衣物變色。

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